

Never Again.
No Excuses.

Last June, there was a huge forest fire on federal land (the Backbone Fire). It caused several communities on the east side of the fire to evacuate their homes for several weeks. I was on the west side of that fire, in Camp Verde. I saw a wall of flames, over 15 miles wide, threaten the farm I spent over five years building. The federal fire captain in charge, did a fantastic job communicating with the public. He also had some seriously disturbing news when he informed us, “We are the largest fire priority in the country right now, and we aren’t getting enough resources.” That’s not acceptable.

Federal Fire Protection Is An Absolute Must.

Our firefighters deserve better. They should have all the resources they need to keep us safe. While extreme liberal politicians bicker over their next experimental pet projects, I’ll be focusing on getting back to the basics and prioritizing things that keep us safe.

Respect Those Who Protect Us.

No one has earned my admiration more than firefighters, other than the brave men and women in law enforcement and our military. We wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you. Thank you for everything you do for our community and our country. We owe you.


We are the largest fire priority in the country right now, and we aren’t getting enough resources.

Every bit of your support counts in getting us Back To Basics.